Having graduated with a degree in Pharmacology I started working in the world of antiques as an antique furniture buyer/manager for a prestigious Knightsbridge firm in the mid 1980’s.
also made me a better auctioneer.



Telephone +44 1386 719125
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Co Reg Number 15049010 1148626


Insurance valuations are tailored to the clients’ and insurers’ needs and requirements, as most policies are unique or customised in some way. Ultimately the clients’ wishes will be followed (given compliance with the RICS code of conduct), as there are numerous forms of insurance valuation from retail to facsimile replacement. Furthermore, the level in the market and specified items are important factors. Images can be included if requested and footnotes and provenance are noted where relevant. Of all the clients visited an equal proportion are over-insured as are under-insured. Clearly, the former will be paying too much in premiums and the latter will be insufficiently covered in the event of a claim. Berwyn-Jones Fine Art can visit to do an initial assessment and give preliminary advice, gauge the size and scope of the contents and provide an estimate for carrying out the valuation proper, if this was a viable option. There is a charge for this service which will be deducted from the valuation fee if we were instructed to do the valuation. Our fee structure is available on request.