Having graduated with a degree in Pharmacology I started working in the world of antiques as an antique furniture buyer/manager for a prestigious Knightsbridge firm in the mid 1980’s.
also made me a better auctioneer.



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Telephone +44 1386 719125
Co Reg Number 15049010 1148626


PRIVACY POLICY: This privacy notice explains how Berwyn-Jones Fine Art Consultants Ltd collects and processes your personal information. It also covers specific information that is required by law and states your rights regarding your personal data. The security and confidentiality of your personal data is of paramount importance to us and we assure you that it will always be managed and protected properly by us. It outlines how we may collect and use your personal data. Please read this privacy notice and check it regularly, as it is updated periodically. HOW TO CONTACT US: Berwyn-Jones Fine Art Consultants Ltd is a controller of your personal data for the purposes of UK Data Protection Legislation. As a controller we manage your data in accordance with this Privacy Notice. Please contact us at the address below regarding any queries you may have regarding your personal information. PERSONAL INFORMATION COLLECTED: Berwyn-Jones Fine Art Consultants Ltd may collect, use, store and share personal information about you which includes: IMAGES: This includes photographs and possibly video recordings of items to be valued or sold. CONTACT/CORRESPONDENCE DATA: Including invoice, delivery and email addresses and telephone contact details together with the details of all other people requiring copies of correspondence. IDENTITY: Information including your name, title, date of birth, gender, username, identification and proof of address documents, your connection and authority to act on behalf of a company, trust or estate, correspondence with law enforcement authorities concerning you or your property and your ownership or possession of or interest in (current or historic) any relevant work of art or other property. FINANCIAL DATA: Such as your bank account and card details and if you are related or associated closely with a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) or are a PEP yourself. PERSONAL DATA: In addition to the above, details about payments to and from you and details of other services you have used from us, details of the property which, for instance, have been valued and the nature of these services and the details of your insurance. TECHNICAL DATA: Information about your use of our website including your IP address, username and password, feedback and survey responses. COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING INFORMATION: This includes your preferences in receiving marketing and mode of communication. HOW WE COLLECT PERSONAL INFORMATION FROM YOU: We collect and process your personal data which comes directly from you when you interact with us including when you: Meet us in person and give us your information Enquire about our services or events Ask us to carry out a valuation Request news about our services and events Communicate with us in any way including online, email, phone, SMS, social media or post When visiting our website we may collect information from you, including email and IP address. This helps us to monitor visits to our own website and patterns of prospective client traffic, such as who is visiting and why HOW WE COLLECT YOUR PERSONAL DATA FROM OTHER SOURCES: Personal data about you and/or your property you own or that which you wish to acquire from other sources may be collected including: When you are appointed by a client as their agent, or in some other capacity When you are introduced to us by a third party, eg: an insurance broker When we research fine art, collectibles and antiques or the art market in general and your details are revealed/required in that research Where your data is available publicly, eg: you are a beneficial owner of a company or your information is available from entities that do identification checks including but not limited to those required for anti-money laundering, other criminal offences, sanctions and media coverage WHERE YOU HAVE GIVEN ANOTHER ORGANISATION PERMISSION TO SHARE YOUR INFORMATION WITH US: Such as a business working with us or when you buy a service from a third-party organisation, eg: an insurance broker, or auction house. HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION: a) To enable us to register you as a client in order to perform the services you requested including valuations and advice. b) To manage our relationship with you including notifying you about any changes to our services, terms or privacy policy in accordance with our legal obligations. c) To prove our compliance with legal requirements, including complying with AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations and payment of tax (complies with our legal obligations). d) To hold information on property concerning title and authenticity to prevent fraud, theft or other illegal activity. e) To give you information about forthcoming events and changes in services and/or recommend services of possible interest to you, so that our clients are kept updated. f) To analyse and monitor our business and website in the legitimate interests of our business. HOW WE KEEP YOUR INFORMATION SECURE: Safeguarding your personal information is of the utmost importance and keeping your personal data secure is taken seriously. Consequently, we use passwords, our systems are protected behind a firewall and use secure servers to protect any relevant data such as financial and other sensitive information. Only authorised persons when required, have access to your data which means only our employees and contractors/consultants and all that have access are aware of our data protection policy and that the confidentiality and protection of your personal information is of paramount importance to us. We are confident that we have protections in place to keep your personal data safe. In addition, we have procedures in place in the event that we have any breaches and will notify you and our regulator of any breach when we are legally obliged to do so. WHO MAY HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR DATA: Your personal information will be managed by BERWYN-JONES FINE ART CONSULTANTS LTD. We will not transfer your personal information to third parties who wish to use it for their own purposes including marketing Transferral of your personal information to third parties only takes place where it is necessary to enable us to provide you with the services you have requested, eg: our bank, insurers, consultants who help us authenticate and value property, event venues and associated direct marketing. These people and companies will only use your information to fulfil the services requested and on the basis that the information is confidential and secure. Anti-money laundering checks may need to be done so we may need to keep and disclose certain information about you to appropriate agencies, eg: to assist with fraud, crime prevention and detection. Disclosure of your personal information will only take place when a government or law enforcement body requests it or when we are compelled to do so by a court, after we have assessed the validity of the request. Other organisations where we are permitted to or have a duty to disclose your personal information by law, such as a request from the Police or other organisation to detect or prevent criminal activity Credit reference agencies to look at your credit history Debt collectors in the event that we need to recover money you owe us and to whom we may sell your debt Another company if we are taken over or bought by this company (and your personal data is required as part of the discussion process of the possible takeover/sale) We may use third parties to collate IP addresses to help us and our business in a variety of ways, including to help us understand our internet traffic data. Information regarding web usage may be used to collate statistical data and we may use or disclose this to third parties for marketing purposes, but no individuals will be identified. Apart from the above, we will not share your information with third parties without your consent. HOW WE KEEP YOUR INFORMATION UP TO DATE: Please notify us of any changes to your personal information including contact details, whenever you deal with us. Please contact us using the address below. HOW LONG DO WE KEEP YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION: We hold your personal data for the time required to provide the services requested, maintain records for legal, tax and regulatory requirements for defence against possible legal disputes. Concerning data with regard to title and provenance and ownership of chattels, this will be kept for reasons of public interest and legitimate business interest. When you ask us to cease communication with you, we will keep limited information and a record of your contact details for no longer than five years from the date we received this instruction. YOUR RIGHTS: When permissible we may contact you concerning our services or events which may be of interest to you. If you do not want to receive these notifications, you can opt out of receiving any marketing communications. Please email us at gerry@berwynjonesfineart.co.uk to unsubscribe. You have the following rights: The right to ask for details of processing procedures regarding your personal data The right to access The right to amend information that is inaccurate The right to delete your information The right to limit the way we deal with and use your information The right to “portability”, ie: your information may be given to you on request in a commonly used format that is secure and that which can be reused The right to withdraw your consent to use your personal data where we rely on this consent. Once your consent is withdrawn, your prior consent will be valid regarding our use of your information before the date that your consent was withdrawn, or, if any marketing information has been sent to you before we received your instruction not to be contacted again. The right to object to automated decision-making such as profiling for marketing. These rights are subject to some exemptions, limits and safeguards. To exercise any of these rights, you should contact us at the address below in the first instance. If you are dissatisfied with the manner in which we have handled your information you have the right to enquire or you can complain to the Officer Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at www.ico.org.uk. However, we would very much like to hear from you of any concerns you may have by contacting us first at the address below. Berwyn-Jones Fine Art Consultants Ltd Registered Office: The Old Barn, Avoncroft Farm, Offenham, Evesham, Worcs, WR11 8RR A company registered in England & Wales. Company Reg. No: 15049010
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